Admiralty Circular 11.—M M.
Admiralty Circular 11.—M M.
Admiralty, 15th April, 1864.
With reference to Article 33, Page 397, of the General Regulations relative to Vaccination, my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty are pleased to direct, that in future no person shall be entered for service in the Royal Navy unless he has been vaccinated, or unless he be willing to submit to the operation immediately on his entry.
Every man or boy volunteering for the service, who has not had small-pox, nor been vaccinated, or who presents a doubtful cicatrix, shall be sent to hospital to have the operation performed; and should there be no naval hospital within reach, he shall be vaccinated on board the ship at the earliest opportunity, and as soon as lymph can be procured.
By Command of their Lordships.
C. Paget.
To all Commanders-in-Chief, &c.