Date |
Remark |
Surgeons Register 3 (ADM 104/23), folio 18 |
16 September 1840 |
Commande]r The Honoura]ble Josep]h Denman
HMS Wanderer, & senior officer had selected Mr Loney
for the Persian as Actin]g Surgeo]n for his good conduct
while under his command which had merited his warm
approbation. Commande]r Denmans letter this date. 2676v.
Physicia]n Genera]l for Medical Officer JSB {??} |
13 November 1840 |
I beg to recommend Mr John Read residing
at Athlone, Ireland. WB 2676v |
16 September1840 |
Mr James Gordon, Surgeo]n HMS Wanderer
bore favourable testimony to Mr Loney's conduct. Certificate].
Mr Hobart 9/2921 |
29 April 1842 |
Requested to be superseded in the
Dolphin & appointed to the Niger Expedition |
20 July 1842 |
Acquainted that the Niger Expedition so
far as regards the Navy had been entirely broken up. 2610
& 2609 Case |
5 May 1842 |
Enclosed copy of Certificate to good
conduct from Commande]r E. Littlehales of HMBg Bonnetta.
1634 Case |
- December 1842 |
Commande]r Littlehales, late of the
Dolphin, bore strong testimony to Mr Loney's good conduct
while serving under his command |
14 December 1842 |
Let this be registered, observing also
that Commande]r Littlehales called upon me &
personally recommended the gentleman in question in the
strongest manner. Inform Commande]r Littlehales that due
attention will be paid to his recommendation. WB 3552
case |
14 December 1842 |
Mr Loney addressed a Memorial to the
Earl of Haddington stating his claims & praying
Promotion. {Amsfor York} |
16 December 1842 |
Mr Loney has an actual service of 3 Yrs
0 m 9 wk 4 d, the greater part of which has, as he
stated, been spent on the Coast of Africa. I believe Mr
Loney a zealous and attentive officer, and that he has
performed his duties in a satisfactory manner, but there
is nothing in his services which would justify me in
recommending him in an especial manner to the Board in
preferment to others of much longer standing &
equally good character and service. WB 13572v |
3 January 1844 |
Stated that an opinion prevailed than an
Assistant Surgeon of a Marine Infirmary cannot be
promoted, & begged to be informed on the subject |
5 February 1844 |
Informed by Sir William Burnett that the
opinion was not a correct one. P case |
27 January 1845 |
Informed the Director General that he
had repeated his Memorial to the Earl of Haddington for
Promotion which, if it had no other effect, would prove
to his Lordship his unwillingness to remain any longer in
a position which may retard the same. Dr Loney to be
removed when an opportunity offers and Mr Derryman
appointed to the vacancy |
25 January 1845 |
Memorialized the Earl of Haddington
praying Promotion or an appointment which might the
soonest lead to it. Is there anything in this Assistant
Surgeons service, his seniority being 1839, that would
make it right to procure him early promotion {A} Director
General to report. |
28 January 1845 |
The Director General reported Dr Loney's
case, See copy of Minute Report, Book 1, fol 24 |
24 March 1845 |
Stated the circumstances under which he
charged a Bill for £ 8 towards the establishment of a
Sick Mess Fund on board the Rolla. 154 |
29 July 1845 |
Prayed their Lordships would confirm him
in the rank of Surgeon, from the date of acting Commision
to Pantaloon. Director General] G2802 |
14 October 1845 |
I beg to state that Dr Loney entered the
service on the 29 November 1839 and has been in active
employment 5¾ years. He has been favourably recommended
by the Honora]ble Joseph Denman and Commander Littlehales,
and as Dr Loney volunteered his services for the Coast of
Africa, and left a shore appointment at the Royal Marines
Division at Woolwich to proceed to that station, I beg to
recommend him to their Lordships favourable
consideration. He is of excellent character and good
abilities WB {250} |
Promoted 1 November 1845.
Captain Hamiltons Memo this date. Transferred to Surgeons
Register 3, Fol 223 |
Register 3 (ADM 104/17), folio 223 |
Brought from Assistant Surgeons Register 3, Fol 18 |
11 May 1846 |
Found to be labouring under Dyspepsia
and General Debility and recommended to return to England
for the reestablishment of his health. Report of survey
held at the Hospita]l at Ascension. 11 July 1846 |
11 January 1847 |
Certificate of having performed the
capital operations of surgery at the School of Anatomy,
Peter St, Dublin. cert case |
22 February 1847 |
Volunteered his services in case any
medical officers should be sent out to Ireland to
alleviate the distress there |
22 February 1847 |
Informed that a note had been made of
his offer of services. 5213 case |
5 March 1847 |
Desired to hold himself in readiness to
proceed to Ireland. 5305 |
6 March 1847 |
Was ready to proceed at once. 5560 case |
14 April 1847 |
Directed verbally to proceed to Ireland
under the directions of the Relief Association (verbal
Party 15 April 1847) Donegal district |
30 July 1850 |
Enclosed an order from Commande]r Morrell
to take charge of sick at the Green Mountain, Ascension,
together with a certificate] of his having performed that
duty from 12 May to 30 June '46 & requested that
record might be made of such service as sea time 16
1/1859 |
27 January 1851 |
Dr Loney appears to be entitled to the
time served as shown by the certificate]s {assayed} WB
7/1859 |
6 February 1851 |
The above time allowed as service time
19/1859 |
11 March 1851 |
Reprimanded for having written a most
improper & disrespectful letter to the Director Genera]l
regarding the admission of his brother (a candidate) into
the Naval Medical Service 19/5362 |
9 August 1851 |
Applied to be appointe]d to
"Apollo" should] she be commissione]d per lieu of
"Ceylon" at Malta 20/1998 |
11 August 1851 |
Informed] that his request coul]d not be
complied with & that he should] make such applications
through his captain 20/1998 |
12 August 1851 |
Applied for a convict ship 20/2057 |
19 January 1852 |
Requested his appointmen]t to Hydra might
be cancelled, health unequal to service in tropics, at
same applying for an appointmen]t on Home or Mediterranea]n
station 20/4486. |
See report book 2. Folio 377
for further remarks |
28 July 1855 |
Their Lordships expressed their displeasure at the course he had persued in the case of a patient of "Hydra" whom he had ordered to be sent to Hospl at the Cape of Good Hope as his captain had objected thereto and cautioned him to be more circumspect in his conduct in future |
Staff Surgeons Register (ADM 104/29), folio 30 |
See Surgons' Register for remarks previous to 1867. |
14 January 1867 |
Correspondence between Dr Loney and Dr
Magill Assistant] Surgeon] Haulbowline Hospita]l as to the
use of boats 36/289 |
5 February 1867 |
Applied for a week's leave stating that
Dr Moore, Surgeon] of "Black Prince", would
render any assistance that was necessary. Approved if
M.D.G. sees no objections G.H.S. |
9 February 1867 |
I see no objection but I would recommend
that the Hospital] be left in sole charge of the Assistant]
Surgeon] Dr Magill, during Dr L's absence. A Bryson DG,
36/848 |
30 March 1867 |
Lord Churston applied for Dr L to be
promoted to Deputy] Inspector] & retained at
Haulbowline Hospita]l. M.D.G. to report on his claims H.C.
3 April 1867 |
D.G. in reporting his services concluded
"He is a good Medical] officer but I do not consider
his claims for promotion an equal to several other Staff
Surgeons who are above him in seniority. He was appointe]d
to Haulbowline Hospital] in Oct '65 AB DG 36/1915 |
25 January 1868 |
Candidate for appointment as Deputy] Inspector]
General] at Plymouth Hospita]l vacant by death of Dr
Beith |
28 January 1868 |
Own receipt AB 540/37 |
9 September 1867 |
Applied to Mr Corry for promotion.
M.D.G. to report if this officer has any special claims
to promotion G.H.S. |
20 September 1867 |
See Dr Mackay's report referring to
D.G.'s former remarks. Copy case |
27 April 1868 |
Requested a fortnight's leave |
30 April 1868 |
No objection. AB D.G. 37/2440. Grant
G.H.S. |
3 December 1868 |
Is candidate for appointmen]t of Deputy
Inspecto]r Genera]l Hong Kong N.S. 6317/37 |
- Dec 1868 |
Board's minute on report of survey on Mr
J.H. Jackson, Paymaste]r R.N. surveyed at Haulbowline Hospital]:
M.D.G. for information observing that this scarcely
appears a satisfactory report JCDH |
16 December 1868 |
I quite concur in thinking this report
unsatisfactory, & would suggest in similar cases that
Dr L be desired to report his own opinion as to the
officer's fitness for service or otherwise. AB D.G.
37/6497 |
15 June 1869 |
Requested to state by whose authority he
had surveyed Dr J Young Staff] Surgeon] invalide]d from
Galatia 38/2749/2802 |
16 June 1869 |
Replied that the survey and the report
were unauthorised, and stated that presure of private
affairs prevented Dr Young returning to Haulbowline, or
undertaking the journey to London. FC 38/2802 |
18 June 1869 |
Boar]d & D.G. disapproved of the
survey by Dr L without having obtained his authority
according to the custom of the service. Lette]r book &
38/2802/2968. Survey need not be repeated. Admiralty] Order]
26 June '6{4} |
6 July 1869 |
Not to insert irrelevant material in Medica]l
Returns 38/3143 |
- Oct 1869 |
Correspondence on misunderstanding
between Dr Loney & Mr Paris, Storekeeper at
Haulbowline, resulting in both being superceded 38/4922
38/6148 |
18 October 1869 |
Stated that he preferred serving in the
hope of promotion to accepting the reported retirement |
30 October 1869 |
Granted leave on Full Pay till
"Revenge" is ready to receive crew from
"Zealous". A.O. 38/5226 |
15 December 1869 |
Explained reasons for not giving up
charge of Haulbowline Hospita]l to his successor Dr Morgan
until completion of survey |
17 December 1869 |
M.D.G. cannot approve of his conduct
38/6095 |
13 Jan 1870 |
Dr Loney to be placed on half] Pay from
11 Nov '69, the date of Staff Surgeon joining AO
39/249/78 |
16/18 December 1869 |
Dr L forwards two letters on the subject
of disrespectful conduct of certain persons when he was
leaving Haulbowline |
20 December 1869 |
See D.G.s remarks in letter book |
4 January 1870 |
Rear] Admiral] Forbes, Commande]r in Chief
at Queenstown forwarded a report of enquiry by Capt
Seecombe of "Mersey" concluding by stating he
had not thought it necessary to take any further steps in
the matter as the charges could not be brought home to any
person. 38/6148/6093 |
2 February 1870 |
Sir John Bowring M.P. applied on behalf
of Dr Loney for his promotion to Deput]y Inspecto]r Genera]l.
Case. Explaine]d that his claims will be considered with
those of others |
17 February 1870 |
Director Genera]l does not consider Dr
Loney entitled to full pay from 16 Nov to 10 Dec '69
39/801/249 (see other page) |
17 February 1870 |
Dr Loney explains omission of the
conduct of Mr Allan Assistant] Surgeon] in his certificate
39/731 |
15 February 1870 |
Requested full pay from 11 Nov to 10 Dec
'69, as altho' his successor had arrived at Haulbowline
he was still in charge of stores |
1 March 1870 |
See DGs notation as to the rule in these
cases, alluding to Dr Burke's case at Malta Hosp, where a
week was considered by the DG. Grant a week. Board's memo
on 39/801/749 |
31 March 1870 |
In answer to a note from him with regard
to his conduct at Haulbowline Hospital the DG said that
he could hold out no hope of promotion |
30 May 1870 |
Asked in private note that his claims
for promotion vice Rae retired might be submitted to 1st
Lord |
2 June 1870 |
Answered that his services would be
considered with those of others. Case |
2 July 1870 |
Applies to Lord John Hay for promotion
to Deputy] Inspector] General] |
11 July 1870 |
Claims will be fully considered together
with those of others when any vacancy occurs 39/4248 |
26 July 1870 |
Applied for appointmen]t to Channel Fleet
27 July 1870 |
Informed that appointment referred to
has been filled up but his claims for the Flying Squadron
will be considered with those of others when appointments
are made. Note case |
18 November 1870 |
Services reported to Board as eligible
for promotion to Deputy] Inspector] General]. See copy |
21 June 1871 |
Requested to state his authority for
assuming the title of MD 40/3548 |
18 October 1871 |
Stated that MD had been attached to his
name about 30 years ago by Admiralt]y authority |
27 November 1871 |
Remove title of MD 40/7501 |
17 August 1871 |
Commodore Commerell
Commander] in] Chief] Cape forwarded corresponden]ce
& result of enquiry as to charges brought against
this office]r by Lieut Ward RM as to treatment by him
while on the sick list & refusal to send him to hospita]l
& stated that in his opinion Dr Loney had not failed
in his duty with regards to Lieut Ward |
20 October 1871 |
Commande]r in Chief] East Indies informed
that my Lords disapproval of Lt Ward's not complying with
the Staff Surgeon's directions while on sick list &
that the result of the enquiry showed that the charges
against Dr L were frivolous and without foundation
40/7977 |
17 June 1872 |
Expresses himself hurt at the omission
of his name in the Statistical Report in connection with
the Medical] reports from Haulbowline Hospital] for the
year 1869 41/4705 |
14 September 1872 |
Services submitted to Board with those
of 3 others for selection for vacancy in Deputy] Inspector]
Generals] list. See Guard Book |
Promoted to the rank of Deputy Inspector General with seniority of 18 Sept 1872 |
Transferred to Deputy Inspectors' folio p 105 |
Register kept by the Junior Naval Lord (ADM 105/76), folio 167 |
5 January 1875 |
Rear] Admiral] Shadwell expresses his high opinion of his valuable services in connection with Hong Kong Hospital |
15 February 1875 |
Informed by their Lordships that the change in his appointmen]t (from Hong Kong to Haslar) was made in the usual course and that they were glad to receive the expression of his readiness to continue on foreign service |
18 February 1875 |
Boar]d express their satisfaction at receiving as favourable report. Admiral] Mundy directed to acquaint Deputy] Inspector] General] Loney on his arrival at Haslar |
26 August 1876 |
Note to Sir M Lopes as to his being given rank of Inspector] General] on retirement |
26 August 1876 |
Note to Sir M Lopes as to his being given rank of Inspector] General] on retirement |
26 June 1877 |
Forwards statement of services &c & asks that he may be granted the substantive rank of Inspector] General] on retirement |
28 June 1877 |
MDG as to his conduct during his service |
4 July 1877 |
DG remarks that his conduct during his service has not on all occasions been quite satisfactory owing to misunderstandings having arisen as to his duties. He is a Medical] officer of considerable ability & has always showed zeal in the dischage of his duty, but DG is unable to concur in the estimate he has formed of himself and does not consider his case one of exceptional or special promotion to substantive rank |
4 July 1877 |
In answer to a question as to his being granted Honorar]y rank on retirement DG has no objection but thinks he is deserving of it |
9 July 1877 |
Placed on Retired List from] 3 July 1877, with Honorar]y rank of Inspector] General] on retirement. Substantive rank refused |
22 March 1878 |
Draws attention to the hardships of his case; & prays to be promoted to the substantive rank of Inspector General |
2 April 1878 |
Informed that their Lordships are unable to comply with his request |
26 June 1878 |
Services sent to Boar]d as a candidate for a Good Service pension (See Services Book) |
5 July 1878 |
Applies for a Good Service Pension as a compensation for the grievances he has suffered through the Regulations of 1874 |
13 July 1878 |
DG considers there are several officers more deserving of a Good] Service] Pension than Dr Loney & refers to the opinion expressed by him on a former application from this officer - in 4 July 1877 |
1 May 1878 |
Applies to be appointed Honorary Surgeon to the Queen |
16 February 1878 |
With reference]ce to a letter to Lord Walter Kerr asking for a "solution" for unrequited services the DG sent a copy of the report of July 1877 stating that he concurred in it and that from personal experience at Haulbowline Hospita]l he was able to state that no fresh improvements were effected in that establishment under Mr Loney's "beneficial rule" |