Key to 'Naval Intelligence' in The Times
Key to 'Naval Intelligence' in The Times

Royal NavyVariaKey index 1879 ◄► 1881

This page gives the references (number = page number, letter = column on that page) for the "Naval and Military Intelligence" (sometimes "Military and Naval Intelligence" or just "Naval Intelligence") column of the Times newspaper for the year 1880. These columns (almost daily between about 1842 and 1914) are an invaluable, if sometimes quirky, and not always totally reliable, secondary source for Royal Navy matters.

Empty cells are days without an entry or days for which I have not found the entry.

◄Table scrolls horizontally►
  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 6D --- 6E 11A 7F 5G 7F --- 10G 4E 10A 6E
2 9C 10B 8B 7G --- 12E 8F 10B 8F 5G 10D 6A
3 10C 11B   13C 13E 5F 7G 11E   --- 5G 5G
4 --- 5F 10A --- 10A 5F --- 11F 10B 11E 10C 6B
5 10E 11A 5D 11G 10B 11G 8B 12A --- 11D 4E ---
6 5E     7G 7F ---   7G   4A 6C 10G
7 5F 10G --- 7E 5E 8E 10F   9E 6E --- 10C
8 6C --- 8F 5G 12E 5C 12B --- 10F 9A 10A 5G
9 4E 6D 7G 7C --- 7E 10G 10B 9B 6C 6C 11A
10 10B 10C 5G 8G 13B 11A 7E 5F   --- 6G 10B
11 --- 10B 9E --- 11F 5F --- 5G   10C 10A 10A
12 6E 10B 5G 10F 13A 7F 13A 10C --- 6A 10A ---
13 10G 5E 12C 6A 11B --- 5F 10E 11B   6B 6B
14 11A 8A --- 8A 11C 13B 10C 7C 3G 5G --- 5G
15 10C --- 6G 11A 8B 10E 13F --- 10D 3G 11A 5G
16 6D 10C   5D --- 7F 8B 6F 4E 11C 5G 11A
17 6A 11A 7F 13A 11B 10G 12G 3E 4D --- 11A 3G
18 --- 5F 11C ---   5G ---   11B 10A 11B 10D
19 11C 11A 11E 10A 11B 12F 8F 10B --- 10A 11B ---
20 6A 10A 7F 12C 11A --- 10B 8A 10G 5G 5F 10A
21 10F 10F --- 5F   8C 10F 8A 5G 8B --- 10F
22 7C --- 11G 12A 12E 5F 13B --- 4A 3G 6A 10D
23 10A 10B 11F 10B --- 5D 9G 6G 6A 6B 6A 8B
24 11A 7G 7B 12F 13A   12E 3F 8F --- 6E 3G
25 --- 5F 10G --- 8C 8E --- 11G 11A 10A 8A 11A
26 11A 11B 9G 12G 7G   10C 8B --- 5G 6C ---
27 11A 5G 10B 10F 6A ---     10F 11C 6F 9F
28 8A 5G --- 8F 9G 8C 10E 10C 11B 10E --- 5D
29 10F ---   10A 7F 7G 10B --- 9C 8F 10D 3G
30 5G   8G 10A --- 5G 10G 10G 10G 6A 5G 6B
31 11B   10F   12F   10F 8G   ---   4A

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