HMS Asia (1824)
HMS Asia (1824)

Royal NavyVessels

Browse RN vessels: A; B; C; D; E - F; G - H; I - L; M; N - P; Q - R; S; T - U; V - Z; ??
NameAsia (1824)Explanation
TypeSecond rate   
Launched19 January 1824
Builders measure2289 tons
Ships book
Note1858 guard ship
Snippets concerning this vessels career
8 June 1828
- 28 April 1830
Commanded by Captain William James Hope Johnstone, flagship of Vice-Admiral Sir Pulteney Malcolm, Mediterranean
25 December 1831
- 28 July 1834
Commanded by Captain Peter Richards, flagship of Rear-Admiral William Parker, Lisbon
18 March 1836
- May 1841
Commanded by Captain William Fisher, Mediterranean (including operations on the coast of Syria in 1840)
25 August 1847
- 24 May 1851
Commanded by Captain Robert Fanshawe Stopford, flagship of Rear-Admiral Phipps Hornby, Pacific
29 April 1859
- 18 May 1861
Commanded by Captain George Thomas Gordon, guard ship of Ordinary, Portsmouth (replacing Hannibal)
19 May 1861
- 27 February 1864
Commanded by Captain Henry Broadhead, guard ship of Ordinary, Portsmouth (replacing Hannibal)
26 February 1864
- 7 May 1866
Commanded by Captain Henry Caldwell, guard-ship of Ordinary, Portsmouth
11 June 1866
- 2 December 1868
Commanded by Captain William Charles Chamberlain, Portsmouth (flag-ship of Admiral Superintendent) and captain of the Steam Reserve
3 December 1868
- 31 December 1871
Commanded by Captain Edward Bridges Rice, Portsmouth (flag-ship of Admiral Superintendent) and captain of the Steam Reserve
1 January 1872
- 5 March 1874
Commanded by Captain Richard James Meade, flagship of Rear-Admiral Francis Leopold McClintock, Admiral Superintent, Portsmouth
14 March 1876
- 14 May 1877
Commanded by Captain Charles Lodowick Darley Waddilove, Guardship of Reserve, Portsmouth
15 May 1877
- 15 October 1877
Commanded by Captain George Henry Parkin, and Captain of the Steam Reserve, Portsmouth
31 August 1880
- 20 June 1881
Commanded by Captain William Codrington, and Captain of the Steam Reserve, Portsmouth
20 June 1881
- 1 July 1884
Commanded by Captain Philip Howard Colomb, and captain of the steam reserve, Portsmouth
21 June 1884
- 16 July 1885
Commanded by Captain Henry Frederick Nicholson, flagship of Rear-Admiral Frederick Anstruther Herbert, Guardship of Reserve, Portsmouth
27 July 1885
- 31 December 1887
Commanded by Captain Richard Edward Tracey, captain of the Steam Reserve, Portsmouth
14 November 1889
- 31 July 1891
Commanded by Captain Albert Hastings Markham, flagship of Rear-Admiral William Elrington Gordon, Admiral Superintendent, Portsmouth
28 June 1899
- 23 June 1901
Commanded by Captain Alfred Arthur Chase Parr, guard ship of Reserve, flag ship of the Admiral Superintendant, Portsmouth

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