John Lunn R.N.
John Lunn R.N.

Royal NavyPersonnel

Browse officers in command: A - B; C - E; F - G; H - K; L - O; P - R; S - T; U - Z; ??
John Lunn R.N.Explanation
Date (from)(Date to)Personal
No personal data.
12 June 1829Lieutenant
19 December 1844Commander
Date fromDate toService
29 November 183113 May 1833Lieutenant in Caledonia, commanded by James Hillyar, Mediterranean
13 May 183330 October 1835Lieutenant in Caledonia, commanded by Thomas Brown, flagship of Josias Rowley, Mediterranean
30 October 1835 Lieutenant in Caledonia, commanded by George Bohun Martin, flagship of Josias Rowley, Mediterranean
10 August 1838 Lieutenant and commander in Pluto, North America & West Indies
12 October 1840 Lieutenant and commander in Locust, Mediterranean
20 May 184616 November 1847Commander in Virago (until paying off at Woolwich), Mediterranean

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